80+% of what we learn is through our vision and as such, it is extremely important for all children to have a comprehensive eye exam that includes dilation before they start kindergarten and every year thereafter until adulthood.
If your child is having difficulty reading or is underperforming in school, it may be that his or her eyes are uncomfortable performing these tasks due to blurry vision, double vision, or losing their place on the page.
Our office sees a lot of children ages 3 and up. If you need a pediatric specialist or an eye exam for an infant, consider consulting an InfantSee specialist.
Conditions we typically look for during a children's exam:
Normal vision abnormalities such nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism
Amblyopia (lazy eye). This must be treated before about age 8 to be effective.
Strabismus (eye turn). This can sometimes be treated with glasses, but may require muscle surgery.
Eye teaming issues such as:
convergence insufficiency (eyes cannot turn in)
convergence excess (eyes have hard time moving outwards)
accomodative insuffiency (hard to focus on near objects)
accomodative excess (blur at distance due to overfocusing)
many, many more
Congenital abnormalities such as cataracts, retinal disease
Childhood ocular tumors
After a comprehensive eye exam, a follow-up exam may be recommended specifically to test the child's eye teaming abilities to pinpoint the exact condition. At this time if required, a referral will be made to a pediatric specialist that specializes in either Vision Therapy or muscle surgery.